Hey! I'm Kate, a holistic health and lifestyle coach. I practice nutritional healing and a total body approach to wellness. I believe we always have the ability to make healthy choices and design our lifestyle.

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5 Powerful Morning Prayers To Start Your Day

If there’s anything that keeps me centered and grounded throughout my day, it’s my morning mindfulness and my daily prayer.

I devote at least 10 minutes to this every morning, and it’s become one of my favorite parts of my day.

Spending time in silence with God early in the morning helps me recenter, realign, and refocus my thoughts and intentions. It’s easy to lose sight of His guidance as we move through our day, get caught up in our work, or stress out about the craziness of our world right now!

Each morning I open my Jesus Calling book and instantly feel calm, energized, and grateful.


Motivated Morning


I post my morning prayers and daily devotions each morning on my Instagram story, and I wanted to share some of my favorites!

Here Are 5 Powerful Morning Prayers To Guide You Through Your Day…

Prayer For Strength

Lord, thank you for showing me that the challenges I am facing are opportunities for growth.  No matter where you lead me, you will be holding my hand every step of the way. I don’t have to worry about my success because none of my accomplishments have occurred without you. When my reserves run empty, I have a never-ending source that flows freely through my faith in you. Thank you that I can come to you with empty hands and an open heart.

Prayer To Acknowledge God’s Guidance

Thank you for knowing my needs and worries.  My main responsibility today is to simply remain attentive to your guidance. I know the plans you have for me are good. I can relax because you have everything under control.  Every morning I have the opportunity to let you lead the day. Thank you for training me to reach for your hand instead of relying on my own sufficiency. Amen.

Prayer To Surrender

Lord, thank you for teaching me the discipline of thankfulness.

Thank you for prompting me to notice all the gifts you plant into my life each day. Gratitude interrupts anxiety and allows my consciousness to be lifted into heavenly realms above my circumstances. There is no need for me to try and control today through planning and evaluating. All I have to do today is be grateful and rest in your presence. Amen.

Prayer For Peace

Lord, thank you for bringing peace to my restless heart. There is always going to be uncertainty in this world, but peace through your presence is certain.

Thank you for reminding me to step away from a “doom and gloom” headspace. As long as you are on the throne, I have all the facts I need to stay focused on my path. Hold my hand tightly today. Amen.

Prayer For Focus

Lord, thank you for supplying me with what I need when I need it. Help me to direct all of my focus on you and your guidance so that I make wise and mindful decisions with your discernment.

If I stay focused on your plans, then I don’t have to waste any unnecessary energy on decisions that you didn’t intend for me to make. Thank you, Lord, for all that you have prepared me for today. Keep me faithfully in tune with your desired pace. Amen.


Do these powerful morning prayers resonate with you? Give them a try this week!

Sending you love and light today! 🙏


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Powerful prayers




  1. […] Read More: 5 Powerful Morning Prayers To Start Your Day. […]

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  3. […] READ MORE: 5 Powerful Morning Prayers To Start Your Day […]

  4. […] I also found that my praying was more like complaining at […]

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  6. […] make plans and set intentions, but it seems our environment always intervenes somewhere at some point in the day. Work takes us […]

  7. […] Ask God to help you raise awareness around the pattern(s) you want to change. Today, practice mindfulness by setting a focus to observe your thoughts and behaviors without judgement. At the end of the day, write down what you learn or notice.  […]

  8. Juliana says:

    Good morning my heavenly Father. My father of lights of whom there is no shadow due to change. I thank you for blessing me and my children and loved ones the gift of a new day. My eldest daughter is celebrating her birthday today. I am thankful and grateful to God for bringing her into my life. May her life continue to be enriched by you, Jehovah. I pray for all my Christian brothers and sisters. I pray for protection and guidance for them wherever they are. Let the prayer of Jabez be upon them amen.

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