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Hey! I'm Kate, a holistic health and lifestyle coach. I practice nutritional healing and a total body approach to wellness. I believe we always have the ability to make healthy choices and design our lifestyle.

Meet Kate







Pretend like TODAY is January 1st! Cancel any plans that wont allow you to show up Jan 1st Take care of any end of/beg of year sub payments renewals (supplements, fitness clubs, therapist, apps, etc) Instead of going out staying up late/ have a self-reflection vision board party  Go to the store and make sure […]

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I rarely experience a client come to me and say: “Kate, I want to have more energy, sleep better, feel happier, and get off blood pressure medication. I know need to lose 15 lbs to achieve this, and I would like you to help me create a daily routine that houses the habits necessary to […]

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“What if” …. A phrase that still tries to creep in and control my thoughts daily.  “What if I fail”… “What if people make fun of me”… “What if I’m wrong”… It’s funny because, in theory, our brains just use this “spotlight effect” to magnify potential threats to our nervous system. The problem is, we […]

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Why am I here? How am I using my life? What is my purpose? These are questions I ponder almost every single evening while debriefing my day. Some of the answers have remained in tact, but others have evolved naturally as I’ve journeyed through life. For me, at the very foundation of my existence, I […]

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At one point in my life, I was called the “fat girl” who was “negligent” and “lazy”. What’s worse is, when I tried to start doing something about it, I got more grief from my “friends” referring to me as a flake or “not being fun anymore.” No matter what I did- healthy or unhealthy, […]

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Work can suck the life out of you if you let it! When there is no balance with work and wellness, the scale can tip really easy. Even though I LOVE what I do, the mental and physical strain of constantly engaging on social media paired with hours of screen time piles up on me […]

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This month we are talking all about STRESS MANAGEMENT.  Specifically, we are talking about wellness habits that not only help you manage stress, but also stay consistent with your wellness routine. Your homework: I want you to focus on these 5 daily self-care rituals for the next several weeks. (Make sure you read to the […]

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Did you know a lot of the time we avoid change is because of the “unknown” – basically the fear and uncertainty around what the process will look or feel like.  Essentially, we want to figure out how to dodge vulnerability and discomfort, AND, we want someone to “tell us what to do” and give […]

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How Your Environment Affects You

Why don’t we become the people we want to be? Why do we set goals to do better and then abandon them within hours? Why do we confidently commit to something in the moment and then flake out when it’s time to show up? Why do we keep finding ourselves sitting in the drive-thru lane […]

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How have I been able to keep off 80lbs? Two words: Morning. Routine. Gone are the days where I can wake up and “wing it”. Before I dive into my day, I have a promise to myself that I take at least 2-3 hours to fill my cup before I start pouring out that energy […]

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