Did you know a lot of the time we avoid change is because of the “unknown” – basically the fear and uncertainty around what the process will look or feel like.
Essentially, we want to figure out how to dodge vulnerability and discomfort, AND, we want someone to “tell us what to do” and give us the “rules” because we don’t trust ourselves to follow through.
So today, I want you to be honest with yourself and think about the underlying fear that ultimately blocks you from moving forward with change.
Think about any potential “scary”scenarios or situation is that you are imagining with this change. Name them! Then, turn them into an affirmation. When you name and claim, you take back power and control.
For example:
My fear could be “failure”, and then I would say: I am not afraid of failure. I am resilient, able, and never give up on myself.”
Now you give it a try:
My fear:
I am not afraid of (fear)…
I am _____, ______, and ___________.
Extra credit: screenshot this, tag me, and reshare to your IG story so I can love on you!
Pin it for later 📍