Hey! I'm Kate, a holistic health and lifestyle coach. I practice nutritional healing and a total body approach to wellness. I believe we always have the ability to make healthy choices and design our lifestyle.

Meet Kate







4 Things That Will Guarantee A Successful Weight Loss Journey

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful on their weight loss journey and others aren’t?

I know how frustrating it is to watch someone who is eating and exercising the same as you achieve their health and fitness goals while you remain stuck.

There are SO many factors associated with successful weight loss and your ability to stay consistent, follow through, and see results in any area of your life.

My team and I have seen a huge wave of amazing ladies go through our LRD 12-week course  this year and after reading their surveys and watching them progress through the program, we’ve noticed some similarities between those with the highest success rate.

The following list proves there’s more to improving your overall than food and exercise!

4 Factors That Will Guarantee A Successful Weight Loss Journey

Set clear and realistic expectations

Perhaps the most important factor is being realistic, NOT pessimistic, about obstacles you might face along the way

The truth is, you’re bound to find yourself in triggering environments at some point on your health and fitness journey. When you have a plan of action you can respond versus react, and you’re more likely to stay on track with your goals.

For example, in our LRD 12-week course  we have an ‘IF THEN’ exercise that maps out exactly what your back up plan will be for any circumstances that could throw you off your game. Preparation is KEY, ladies!

Willpower can only get yourself so far.

Motivated Morning

Stay accountable

In my experience, accountability is key for weight loss and maintaining your new healthy lifestyle.

You’ve got to be honest with yourself- what environment do you need to stay committed and on track?

No matter how independent you are, most of the time we could all do better with some structure in place and tools that help us manage and self-monitor.

I’m important that you don’t leave yourself any room to hide and avoid facing the root of your struggles. You want to bring them to the forefront and focus on them hard so you can get through them!

You have to meet yourself where you are and commit to what level of accountability you need to stay consistent.

Do you need an accountability buddy? Do you thrive in a group coaching setting? Do you find taking weekly progress photos helpful?

In our LRD programs, accountability looks like weekly trackers, homework, and exercises like our routine builders, daily accountability postings and mentor ship calls with me.

Find a like-minded community

When a group comes together with a shared mission to better themselves, change happens. and share their struggles a safe space to open and vulnerable

As humans, we aren’t meant to live on island – we need and thrive off of social support. When we find a community, active participation is key!

A group of like-minded women who are trying to create a lifestyle that is in alignment with a shared system of values  creates an unshakable bond and group determination to keep the momentum going.

Know your ‘why’ and be willing to surrender to a higher power

No matter how “woo woo” you think it sounds, if you have nothing outside or higher than yourself to put your faith in on those hard days, then girl – you will likely crumble.

Throughout our LRD courses we have our students continually write and sign agreements to themselves.

Everyone’s story is different, but the reason my students are successful is because they know EXACTLY why they are choosing to redesign their lifestyles, and have SUCH strong faith in a spiritual source or higher power.

Nuzest Protein

Hopefully this list shows you that it IS possible to live out your potential and achieve success in ANY area of your life, especially when it comes to your health and wellness.

If you are ready to start following the LRD lifestyle and reclaim control over your health and well-being,  I have a free resource to get you started today!

It’s the exact morning routine that helped me lose and keep off 80lbs.  What you do first thing in the morning sets the scene for the rest of the day. Click here to get your copy of The Motivated Morning! 


If you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, receive weekly health and fitness tips, and exclusive discounts straight to your inbox, join the LRD VIP mailing list! 


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successful weight loss journey tips




  1. […] ** THIS DOES NOT MEAN OVEREXERCISE ** > if you’re tired from over exercising/not eating enough you know who you are- I don’t have to say it, because that used to be me- if this is you, please please please seek a professional to help you with your mindset FIRST before you pursue any further fitness goals. […]

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