Hey! I'm Kate, a holistic health and lifestyle coach. I practice nutritional healing and a total body approach to wellness. I believe we always have the ability to make healthy choices and design our lifestyle.

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improve spiritual well being kate mann fitness

How To Improve Your Spiritual Wellness

You probably didn’t expect to hear this from me but, it’s not JUST about eating whole foods and moving your body, ladies. Do you know how to maintain or improve your spiritual wellness?

Don’t get me wrong – eating well and moving are CRUCIAL to building the healthy lifestyle you want (and keeping your sanity in self-isolation!).

But do you put aside time to work on your spiritual wellbeing every day?

Not sure what the eff I mean by that? Try this…

Daily questions to improve spiritual wellness

  • Do I make time for relaxation in my day?
  • Do I make time for meditation and/or prayer?
  • Do my values guide my decisions and actions?
  • Have I spent time in nature today?
  • Am I accepting of the views of others?

There’s never been a more important time to ask these questions.

I would be LOST without my daily meditation, devotion and mindfulness practices – and I’m pretty sure I’d go crazy without my daily dose of fresh air. 

Set aside 10 minutes today to get outside (where it’s safe to do so), journal or meditate – Mama Kate’s orders! 


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  1. […] there’s anything that keeps me centered and grounded throughout my day, it’s my morning mindfulness and my daily […]

  2. […] a weight loss plateau or aren’t seeing results at all, mindfulness-based behaviors such as meditation may be the missing […]

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