“I’m struggling with being in a weight loss plateau. Nothing I do seems to work. Any advice? Self monitoring may help!
Idk who needs to hear this but:
I say this with so much love: nothing seems to work because you likely aren’t working for IT. This was absolutely the case for me. I had plenty of tools and info available to me, but the truth is I was not fully committed, not following through, and was not logging my progress to hold myself accountable.
There is a not-so-obvious but HIGH KEY tool to sustainable weight loss you’ve probably avoided because frankly it requires effort. This behavior change technique I am referring to is good ole 👉Self-monitoring👈
Keeping track of your progress in your head doesn’t work.
I want you to start writing down everything you’re doing on paper. Essentially, you want to take some time to observe, study, and learn your behavior patterns around your nutrition, exercise, and self monitoring.
Self-monitoring could look like:
◾️ Food diaries
◾️ Exercise logs
◾️ Personal equipment, such as fitness watches, or tracker apps
◾️ Habit/daily checklists
When I started logging my weekly movement and food habits, it helped me raise my awareness and feel in control. AND it was harder to lie to myself. There’s nowhere to hide when your actions are staring you in the face! 🙈
Self-monitoring and using a weekly tracker has helped our students maximize their commitment to their goals, understand their patterns of eating and moving, and focus on what they can control.
Sometimes we have to take an arial view of the BIG picture so we can see all the working parts in motion. When we become more conscious of what’s keeping us stuck, we can then move forward to correct it!
Don’t forget, my free guide The Motivated Morning has a daily checklist and progress tracker you can get started with right now! Hope this helps! Please please please do not give up.
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