Hey! I'm Kate, a holistic health and lifestyle coach. I practice nutritional healing and a total body approach to wellness. I believe we always have the ability to make healthy choices and design our lifestyle.

Meet Kate







How to Create Sustainable Goals

We’ve all heard of smart goals and we know that our goals have to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

But there is so much more to creating a sustainable lifestyle and working to create SMART goals that work for you.

First : Know your strengths and weaknesses and set yourself up for success. 

I get it babe, being honest with yourself can be tough but it is so important in understanding why you are struggling to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle. 

Second: Pay attention to the LANGUAGE of your goals…⁣

Instead of saying things like ” work on”, “continue trying”, “planning to” ..WAY TOO VAGUE.⁣

STOP and ask yourself FOR THE DEETS. ⁣

  • HOW are you WORKING ON that goal?⁣
  • WHAT does TRYING LOOK like?⁣
  • WHEN AND WHAT are you planning? ⁣

If your goals are vague, call yourself out! ⁣


Challenge the specifics of your intentions.⁣

Instead of “setting goals”, make PLANS.⁣

Third: Make a move hunny bunny.

Start executing, no matter how small the tasks may be at first. Your motivation source is a sequence of accomplishments from taking series of small actions.⁣

If you want to take yourself seriously set your goals seriously.⁣

The process of setting a goal directs attention and, therefore, affects behavior. 


FACT: Setting goals improves performance. 


The more explicit and measurable a goal is, the more effec- tive it is likely to be as a way of changing behavior. Stretching goals, which also have intermediate, measurable steps, are highly effective in improving performance. 

Easy goals are not motivating.  

Goal setting is at its most effective when it builds on strengths—for example, the question “How can I get even better at something I’m already good at?” is more motivating than “How can I tackle a weakness?” 

Developing strategies for coping with the inevitable difficulties encountered along the way can make the difference between success and failure. 

Lastly: Performance goals & Learning goals

Performance= Goals that focus on avoiding appearing incompetent. 

Learning= Goals that focus on mastery and are effective in enhancing self-esteem and in their long-term impact. 

Asking powerful questions get to the heart of your values, desires, and beliefs to establish what is important to you.


Here are some examples to help get you started: 

  • What might be stopping you?
  • How does this relate to your life purpose?
  • What if things do not work out the way you wish?
  • What would you like to say about yourself 10 years from now?
  • Which resources might be available to you that you have not mentioned yet?
  • If you could wipe the slate clean, what would you do?
  • If you had it to do over again, what would you do or say?
  • Where are you too hard on yourself?
  • If you could do anything you wanted, what would you do?


 Enjoy the journey, hunny bunnies!


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  1. […] You cannot expect to keep thinking and acting the same way and get different results.  […]

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