Hey! I'm Kate, a holistic health and lifestyle coach. I practice nutritional healing and a total body approach to wellness. I believe we always have the ability to make healthy choices and design our lifestyle.

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afternoon routine

Why You Need An Energizing Afternoon Routine

Did you read the title of this post thinking, “wait – why do I need an AFTERNOON routine?”

Tell me – do your days go something like this?

You power through the morning like a champ…

Get your workout in…

Have a super healthy breakfast…

Blaze through your to-do’s…

Even meet a friend for lunch…

But then the afternoon hits and it’s like you lose the wind in your sails!

This used to be me until I implemented my AFTERNOON routine- which is honestly just as important as my morning and evening routine in terms of keeping me on the right track.

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My Go-To Routine To Beat The Afternoon Slump

20 min walk or stretch break
Energizing snack
Finish necessary to-do’s
Map out tasks for next day so you can leave work at work
Begin visualizing how you want the evening to go
End of work/day ritual to unplug

Bridging the gap between your morning and evening is IMPERATIVE for success, and I have found with our students that it’s the “black hole” that seems to suck out all of our motivation and momentum when not properly structured.

Curious to hear from y’all on this – give these afternoon routine ideas a try and let me know how you go!


6 Morning Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence 

5 Powerful Morning Prayers To Start Your Day

Motivated Morning




  1. […] hard? -Is there a pattern you are getting stuck in right before bed that keeps you from going to sleep on […]

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