We can’t always control our thoughts, but we can control how we respond to them. So much easier said than done (especially when dealing with anxiety), but it’s a practice I try my best to follow daily. As someone who struggles with anxiety, intrusive thoughts are something I have to constantly monitor for, and I […]
If you’ve been reading this blog or following me on social for a while, you know I’m a huge mental health advocate. Managing anxiety and cptsd while trying to lose weight and get healthier created a lot of barriers with my consistency. But overtime, I learned how to adapt and implement behavior change techniques that […]
If you have struggled with your mental health like me, you know the struggle of fleeting motivation when it comes to getting in you daily exercise. We also know how much exercise helps with mental health, so it’s especially frustrating feeling like we can’t get it done even when we know we need to. If […]
At one point in my life, I was called the “fat girl” who was “negligent” and “lazy”. What’s worse is, when I tried to start doing something about it, I got more grief from my “friends” referring to me as a flake or “not being fun anymore.” No matter what I did- healthy or unhealthy, […]
Work can suck the life out of you if you let it! When there is no balance with work and wellness, the scale can tip really easy. Even though I LOVE what I do, the mental and physical strain of constantly engaging on social media paired with hours of screen time piles up on me […]
Just because I lost 80lbs doesn’t mean my life became any easier. I still had to deal with my feelings, I still had to deal with ME. Bad days still happen. There will always be an excuse to derail… a busy schedule, an event to attend, a stressful trigger. I had to learn and accept […]
Right now it seems there is a big debate between tracking calories vs “intuitive eating” when to comes to monitoring your nutrition. I am sure if you have dieted at some point recently you have heard both of these terms referred to across social media. For the sake of clarity (and your reading enjoyment), I […]
This month we are talking all about STRESS MANAGEMENT. Specifically, we are talking about wellness habits that not only help you manage stress, but also stay consistent with your wellness routine. Your homework: I want you to focus on these 5 daily self-care rituals for the next several weeks. (Make sure you read to the […]
It’s really us against ourselves most of the time … we often try to motivate ourselves with fear, judgment, and criticism. But how does using fear as motivation work out for us? I know when I was on my weight loss journey, before I shifted from self criticism to self compassion, a lot of what […]
Did you know a lot of the time we avoid change is because of the “unknown” – basically the fear and uncertainty around what the process will look or feel like. Essentially, we want to figure out how to dodge vulnerability and discomfort, AND, we want someone to “tell us what to do” and give […]