Happy New Year Hunny Bunnies!
Are you plowing away at those 2021 resolutions?
We always think “eat better, move more” right?
This year, I want you to pay attention to the LANGUAGE of your goals…
Instead of saying things like ” work on”, “continue trying”, “planning to” ..WAY TOO VAGUE.
STOP and ask yourself FOR THE DEETS.
HOW are you WORKING ON that goal?
WHEN AND WHAT are you planning?
If your goals are vague call yourself out!
Challenge the specifics of your intentions.
Instead of “setting goals”, make PLANS.
Start executing, no matter how small the tasks may be at first. Your motivation source is a sequence of accomplishments from taking series of small actions.
If you want to take yourself seriously set your goals seriously.
The process of setting a goal directs attention and, therefore, affects behavior.
The more explicit and measurable a goal is, the more effective it is likely to be as a way of changing behavior.
Stretching goals, which also have intermediate, measurable steps, are highly effective in improving performance.
Easy goals are not motivating.
Goal setting is at its most effective when it builds on strengths—for example, the question “How can I get even better at something I’m already good at?” is more motivating than “How can I tackle a weakness?”
Let’s go over some power questions get to the heart of your values, desires, and beliefs to establish what
is important to you.
What did you come up with?
What resonated with you?
Do you feel a little more clear on which direction you need to go?
In our new self-guided LRD course, we go way deep into lifestyle auditing and goal setting. As our curriculum is based on behavior change, it is imperative that we teach out students the foundational skills to create, implement, and SUSTAIN the change they are wanting to make.
If that sounds like something you’d be interested in learning more about CLICK HERE.
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[…] listed my top tips to help you set smart goals while also creating a plan you can actually stick to. Let’s make some realistic […]