Hey! I'm Kate, a holistic health and lifestyle coach. I practice nutritional healing and a total body approach to wellness. I believe we always have the ability to make healthy choices and design our lifestyle.

Meet Kate







Habits You Need Before You Begin Your Weight Loss Journey

β€œIs there anything you wish you would have known before you started your weight loss journey? Have you created any habits worth keeping?”

Why, YES. πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

There are 4 crucial habits I should have implemented prior to trying ANY diet or exercise plan.

  1. Daily movement (at least a 30 min walk).
  2. Add more whole foods and color to my meals.
  3. Establish a set bedtime routine (and morning/afternoon as well) 
  4. Journal or practice some form of self-reflection and quiet time before starting the day.
Motivated Morning

These are the prerequisites to creating your blue print for sustainable lifestyle changes. Creating healthy sustainable habits is the first step.

Once you master these 4 habits, you have enough foundational self discipline to build off of.

If you able to prioritize and willingly make time for your self care, nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness, you are truly ready for the deeper work.πŸ™πŸΌ

And deeper work is where the transformation happens.

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Creating Habits



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