Hey! I'm Kate, a holistic health and lifestyle coach. I practice nutritional healing and a total body approach to wellness. I believe we always have the ability to make healthy choices and design our lifestyle.

Meet Kate







The Power of Gratitude

Today I am grateful for…

Something I try to pencil in to my journal each morning. Admittedly, when I started this ritual, it was pretty repetitive. “I am grateful for my bed, my dog, my job, and that I have food to eat.” Not to say I am not absolutely grateful for each of these things (every day), but I wasn’t fully grasping the POWER of choosing gratitude even outside of the few items I would list each morning. 

What do I mean by the POWER of gratitude? Well, one morning, after I wrote how grateful I was for my usual list of items, I went out for my walk. During my walk, I noticed that 15 min or so into the first mile, my thoughts began spiraling. I started thinking of work, what I was missing, if I remembered to send that email. Then it went to criticism, “I should have walked earlier. I don’t deserve to be out here walking when I should be working. I don’t even have time for a full hour- I won’t get my exercise in for the day….” I am sure you are familiar with how those thought clouds can quickly storm up out of no where. 

My point is, in that moment, I remembered my gratitude list from earlier. This particular morning, I had also written down a quote I read during my quiet time: “gratitude interrupts anxiety”- and lo and behold, it was. I remembered how grateful I was for my home, my job, that I food to eat… and then it quickly began building upon itself. I was grateful that I COULD walk, I could see the beauty of nature, and feel the sun. I was grateful that I HAD job, and more so, work I LOVED. I was grateful I had people who needed me, waiting for me to respond. I was grateful that I loved myself enough to honor exercise, and taking breaks to clear my mind (which obviously needed to happen). But most of all, that day, I was grateful that I truly understood and experienced the POWER of gratitude. 

I challenge you to begin practicing the power of gratitude.

Bonus point: screenshot + tag me on this blog, or tell me in the comments something you’re grateful for.

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