I rarely experience a client come to me and say: “Kate, I want to have more energy, sleep better, feel happier, and get off blood pressure medication. I know need to lose 15 lbs to achieve this, and I would like you to help me create a daily routine that houses the habits necessary to change my ways for good.” (oh, if it was only setting goals were that easy!)
Instead, I hear:
“Kate. help! I need to lose 15 lbs fast. I also want to become a morning person and have clearer skin. Where should I start?”
When I take my students through their goal-setting process, it’s imperative that they understand the process between performance and success. Too often, we think we are setting “goals” but we are really just making a wish list of the results we want to achieve.
Outcome Goals:
Goals that relate directly to a physical/measurable result.
Example: Lose 15 lbs.
Performance Goals:
The end product of performance, usually expressed in terms of personal achievement. More energy, happier mood, better sleep, better overall health.
Process goals:
The processes the individual wants to engage to perform in a satisfactory manner. Follow a daily routine, make mindful nutrition choices, exercise regularly, manage stress with self-care rituals.
So let’s practice …
Fill in the blanks:
By following the process of (),
I will achieve my outcome goal (),
as well as my desired performance goals ().
Ready for another fun exercise? Register here to watch my FREE MASTERCLASS on how to create a wellness routine that actually sticks!